The basic element of life is scarce due to the constant depletion of rivers in our nation. Water plays the most important role in our lives as humans are made up of 72% of it. We are all tied to the rivers as the civilization in India emerged alongside the rivers. Due to population overload, the persistent development and over-exploitation of the rivers, we are facing the dearth of this natural commodity.
Effects of water crisis
- Expensive drinking water:
The major Indian cities face water crisis due to which we pay ten times more for it.
- Crop failure:
The rivers turning seasonal, frequent floods and drought lead to crop failure across the country.
- Hunger:
80% of water is used to grow crops in India. Due to lack of it, food supply will decrease and the cost would increase. This is why water scarcity would result into starvation.
- Poverty:
People will not be able to meet the basic survival need which would in turn lead to poverty.

How to revive what is on the verge on extinction?
- Plant more trees:
They reduce climate change and control rainfall. The trees help soil to absorb rain, in turn improving groundwater recharge. Planting trees control floods as well.
- Recycle:
Save the water that you use for cleaning vegetables and reuse it in your garden or flush the toilet! Using such minimal ways to reuse the commodity we can save a lot of it for the generations to come.
- Make use of the technology:
Installing a Rain Barrel that can be set up under the gutter’s pipe to collect and store maximum water or a Gray Water System which diverts the water we use to wash hands or utensils to the toilet flush could require money and maintenance but it can be life-saving.
- Farming techniques:
Make use of farming methods like drip irrigation, dry farming, rotational grazing or organic method of agriculture.
These are some basic things we can do to deal with scarcity , revive resources and make a difference for the future generations.
Also, read about our previous blog, Ancient Time Measuring Devices
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